My goal for each and every massage therapy session is to learn about what you are currently experiencing, and then structure a specialized massage session that will help you feel better, enjoy your life again and get back to what you love doing
You deserve to feel better and enjoy life again!
Courtney Atkins, LMT - New Port Richey
"You really know where the spots are! You just go right to them."-Client
What can I do between sessions to help my pain?
You will learn stretches and light movements so that you know the best way to help yourself heal between massage therapy sessions.
I strongly believe in a holistic approach to health. I believe in treating the root cause with natural methods that will allow your body to heal. I will share with you what I recommend specifically for you.
Can you tell my Dr what you are finding?
As a Medical Massage therapist, I will gladly work with your orthopedic doctor, oncologist, neurologist, neurosurgeon, physical therapist, chiropractor, pain management team, etc, to offer you the most complete care for your specific injury or illness.
Do you take insurance?
Medical Massage Therapy is eligible for reimbursement with a Letter of Medical Necessity (RX from your Dr) with flexible spending accounts (FSA), health savings accounts (HSA) and health reimbursement arrangements (HRA)
Will it hurt?
Pressure is always based on your comfort level, and I offer a wide spectrum from very light to heavy pressure.
Sessions focus on improving your health, by reducing stress, while resolving pain, posture and movement issues that you've been struggling with, sometimes that can be a little uncomfortable but should never hurt.
How soon can I get massage after surgery?
For medical massage, the general rule is 4 weeks after surgery. However, it depends on the type of surgery and it's in your best interest to let your surgeon decide when they feel you are ready.
Orthopedic and Medical massage therapy will help you heal faster after any surgery, and help you with neuromuscular re-education.
What happens during a massage therapy session?
After discussing your problem areas and health history, I will step out of the room. You will undress and lay under the sheet and blanket and get comfortable on the table. I will knock before entering to make sure you are covered.
While you relax, I will target the cause of your tender or painful areas, reduce your muscle spasms and tension, tone weak muscles and correct muscle imbalances.
What kind of massage do you do?
I offer a variety of massage modalities including Orthopedic massage, Myofascial, Neuromuscular therapy, Deep tissue massage, Manual Lymphatic Drainage, Oncology massage, Relaxation/wellness massage, Swedish, Post surgical and Prenatal massage therapy. To achieve the best results for you, I will use several massage styles in your specialized massage treatment.
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